We at the Dorothy Molter Museum have taken steps to preserve the health and safety of our staff during this unprecedented time. With a “Stay At Home” executive order announced for Minnesota until [at least] April 10, we have shifted to exclusively digital communication and working remotely.
You can expect our first quarter “Winter” 2020 Newsletter (in color!) to be released electronically so our Members do not miss out on current Museum business and events, and to be mindful of where we are investing our dollars as we enter an unpredictable 2020 season.
We know that many of our Members look forward to our print newsletter every few months and we apologize for any disappointment you may feel as a result of this change. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.
Another significant change that we have made until at least April 10 is a pause on all retail orders via our online gift shop. During this time, we are doing our part to minimize the impact of Covid-19 on our small, Northwoods community by following the executive order’s directives and only leaving our homes for essential needs (grocery, pharmacy, etc.). As such, packaging and shipping is not an option but we will begin processing any orders that come in during this time in the order that they are received. Customers will be contacted directly with updates as the situation changes.
What comes next is as uncertain for us as it is for you. In looking at the current situation and it’s inevitable effect on Ely, Minnesota tourism this season, we are preparing for a lean year.
Although we will be “trimming the fat” as best we can to help buffer the Museum against decreased fundraising, retail and visitor revenues we are committed to being open this season, it just may look a little different from year’s past.
We’ve added a variety of additional (and not-necessarily-Museumy) resources for those working, teaching or restricted to their homes (and their caregivers) to continue to learn, explore and find joy in the world around us – virtually. This includes added imagery and document PDFs to compliment our downloadable Dorothy Molter Education Guide.
Please know we are thinking about you during this time and are here, muddling through this situation with you from afar. If you would like to connect with another human outside of your household, please feel free to contact Jess at jess@rootbeerlady.com or through our social media accounts at Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. We’ll continue to try sharing content that is uplifting, nostalgic and informative to help pass the time.
If you are in a position to help the Museum navigate the next few months with a financial contribution, we would be very grateful.
We will be posting updates or changes to our Museum calendar year here (hours will be here) for those planning ahead for visits to the Museum this season.
Take care.