The Museum is closed to general admission until February 2025 (Details)
Now hiring for our summer internships in Small Museum Management!

Click here to learn about the history of the museum and how it all got started.

The Dorothy Molter Museum preserves and interprets Northwoods wilderness heritage through learning opportunities inspired by Dorothy with a vision of inspiring the next generation of Northwoods stewards.

Click here to visit on our online shop and support the museum through your purchases.

We offer a variety of mission-driven, curated merchandise including apparel, gifts, souvenirs, books and Dorothy’s Isle of Pines Root Beer with seasonal sales and discounts going on now!

Click here to see the latest news and updates going on with the museum.

Find Museum news, seasonal program announcements, special events, exciting updates, and interest pieces about the Museum, Dorothy Molter and museum collections in our blog.


March 19: History Happy Hour

The Dorothy Molter Museum is a seasonally operating, historic museum focusing on the life and legacy of Ely Area icon, Dorothy Molter.

Not sure who Dorothy was or why you should visit the Museum? Watch this 8-min primer on the Root Beer Lady of Knife lake!

Used with permission, this video is a production of WDSE/WRPT a trusted nonprofit community partner providing media and services for the public good since 1964.

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