YES! The Minnesota Association of Museums – of which Dorothy’s is a part of – is hosting its annual conference in Ely this September!
The Minnesota Association of Museums strengthens Minnesota through service to its museum community by offering educational opportunities, fostering communication and collaboration, and promoting Minnesota’s museums as a public resource.
At the annual conference, you are able to join with museum professionals from across our state and dig into how your institution, next program or exhibit, or your own position can be a part of creating healthy communities. Explore beautiful Ely as you participate in sessions, workshops, pub crawls, listen to keynote speakers, and explore the museums on the edge of the Boundary Waters!
Conference: Sept. 27 – Sept. 29
Optional additional canoe tour: Sept. 30 – Oct. 1 (Information and additional registration to come)
Presentations will follow the theme “creating healthy communities” and will be offered by museum professionals from around the state.
An evening reception at the Dorothy Molter Museum will be on Thursday, September 28 (only open to conference registrants).
Scholarship requirements and applications for first-time attendees/emerging museum professionals can be found here. (deadline is August 31)
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Grand Ely Lodge Resort. Deadline to book is August 27, 2017. More information available here.
For registration, more information and most recent updates, visit the conference page.