Update: Join us tonight for a live, virtual ‘Afterthoughts’ event through the History Theatre via Zoom with playwright Kim Schultz, the artistic team and Jess Edberg to discuss last week’s premiere of a virtual reading of Kim’s one-person play “The Root Beer Lady”
We are proud to announce History Theatre at Home’s presentation of “The Root Beer Lady,” May 3-9!
The story of the indomitable Dorothy Molter, the last legal non-indigenous resident of the Boundary Waters, presented by playwright and performer Kim Schultz. Her solo performance reflects on the beauty and hardships of Molter’s solitary yet satisfying life and pushes back against the premise that her time in the North Woods made her the “Loneliest Woman in America,” as the Saturday Evening Post claimed in 1952. Funny. Smart. Passionate.
History Theater staff and Kim Schultz reached out to the Dorothy Molter Museum for historical guidance on Dorothy’s story. The Root Beer Lady is an artistic interpretation of how Dorothy viewed her life in flashbacks after her death while also providing an historically-accurate learning experience for viewers.
This 80-minute reading performance is available to stream online from May 3-9, 2021. Access to this performance starts at $15 for a streaming code but we encourage everyone planning on viewing to consider buying a ticket to help the History Theater cover costs, pay artists during the pandemic and stay connected to audiences.