The Museum will be hosting a Firewise Demo Thursday, August 19 at 6pm.
Have the recent wildfires made you think about the readiness of your property in the face of wildfire? Attend this free event hosted by the Dorothy Molter Museum and presented by Gloria Erickson and featuring local Firewise experts to learn about the things you can do right now to make your home and property more wildfire resilient.
Date: Thursday, August 19th – 6-8 pm
FREE – pre-registration is required
Location: Dorothy Molter Museum, 2002 E Sheridan St Ely, MN
This event is being hosted at the Museum but all program content and resources will be provided by Gloria Erickson. To learn more about what it means to be Firewise, visit the National Fire Prevention Association and Minnesota Fire Adapted Communities.
We request all guests over 2 years old wear a mask when indoors per St. Louis County, MN recommendations.
Questions? Contact Gloria Erickson (218) 365-0878 or at
Event held outdoors, rain or shine. Refreshments provided. Historic cabins will not be open at this time.
About Arrowhead Fire Adapted Communities
The Arrowhead Fire Adapted Communities program receives leadership from Dovetail Partners, whose mission is to provide authoritative information about the impacts and trade-offs of environmental decisions, including consumption choices, land use, and policy alternatives. Dovetail believes fire is a necessary tool in the fire-adapted forests of northern Minnesota and supports work in the region to make communities more resilient to wildfire. Other partners that support this effort include the Superior National Forest, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, various county and local government agencies, and other environmental nonprofits.