Jess Edberg, Exec Dir

Organizational Business & Grants
Donations & Sponsorships

Wholesale Purchase of Root Beer

Where can I buy Dorothy’s Isle of Pines Root Beer outside of Ely? We have a list!

Lisa Robbins, Fin Mgr

Accounts Receivable/Payable


As those who knew Dorothy Molter become rarer, it becomes more essential to have a circle of dedicated volunteers and passionate supporters to help us keep her story alive for the next generation of Northwoods stewards.

USPS Mailing Address

Dorothy Molter Museum
P.O. Box 391
Ely, MN 55731

Physical & Shipping Address

Dorothy Molter Museum
2002 East Sheridan Street
Ely, MN 55731
218 365 4451

Portrait of Dorothy Molter in her later years.

We need your help to share Dorothy’s story!

As a small, non-profit organization, the Dorothy Molter Museum relies heavily on the financial, physical and in-kind support of its members, volunteers and surrounding community to fulfill its mission.

Whether it is through sharing a memory or story about Dorothy with others, purchasing a souvenir during your visit to the museum, becoming a member, or actively participating in fundraising events or programs, every little bit counts.

If you are interested in learning more about how you can help, email or follow the links below.

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